Myth versus FACT: 2 Myths That Can Damage Your Jewelry

Fashion, statements, and expression. These are all terms that define jewelry. But our favorite gems are not immune to being damaged by accidents, improper care, or simply the ravages of time. We have all seen them: ÔÇÿTooth paste for your silversÔÇÖ, ÔÇÿlemon juice for your gold.ÔÇÖ The list of DYI jewelry maintenance is endless. But what works for those specialty jewelry? You can ensure that your jewelry lasts longer–perhaps even a lifetime!–by avoiding the following all-too-common jewelry myths which can actually damage or even irreparably destroy your favorite pieces.

Myth#1: DIY Storage Units

One of the most common mistakes people make with their jewelry is simply tossing it on a box or drawer without a second thought. One DYI project is converting an old box into a storage unit. But is this an effective and efficient way of storing jewelry? LetÔÇÖs look at a couple of examples found here. These are VERY cute ideas! ┬áHowever, many of these projects can lead to tangles and scratches, just to name two problems. Most of these also leave precious metals open to air, which often leads to oxidation. You need to purchase special jewelry packaging and other display solutions which will keep necklaces from getting tangled, rings from getting scratched, and fine metals from oxidizing. Jewelry packaging comes in many shapes and sizes so be sure to research the best type before you buy. Here are some GREAT solutions Gems On Display offers for jewelry storage and counter displays.


Myth#2: Using DIY cleaning methods on fine jewelry

The DIY myths do not stop at mere storage either, most likely you have come across many do-it-yourself jewelry cleaning solutions such as using dish soap, toothpaste. Here is an example of a DIY cleaner. The basic ingredients include: vinegar and oils. Vinegar should NEVER be applied to fine metals or pearls. Vinegar is an acid that erodes away metals and removes finishes. This is a very HARSH method of cleaning. Your metals may shine for a day or two, but oxidation WILL yield its ugly head. Costume jewelry would fair the worst with this cleaning method, as acids erode the finish. A better alternative is sticking to a gentle cleaning solution. We offer many options as far as jewelry cleaner is concerned such as Realm Jewelry cleaner. This is easy on fine jewelry and gems, and even includes a brush for those hard to reach nooks. Follow this gentle cleaner up with a polishing cloth, and any piece will be restored to its original beauty.
